Today's MANTRA DAO Price Summary
MANTRA DAO's price today is $6.79 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $71,588,578 USD. OM is up 1.01% in the last 24 hours. MANTRA DAO is currently ranked #26 with a market capitalization of $6,682,909,863 USD.
$6.79 (1%)
All Time High
$8.99 (-24%)
Market Cap
Volume (24h)
Circulating Supply
985,737,040 OM
MANTRA DAO's price today is $6.79 USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $71,588,578 USD. OM is up 1.01% in the last 24 hours. MANTRA DAO is currently ranked #26 with a market capitalization of $6,682,909,863 USD.
On February 23rd, 2025 01:52:21 AM, MANTRA DAO hit a historic high of $8.99 USD. It has been about 1 month ago since MANTRA DAO reached its peak.
On October 12th, 2023 05:25:09 PM, MANTRA DAO reached a bottoming price of $0.0172618800 USD. About 1 year ago has passed MANTRA DAO has seen such a low price.
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